XT vs XT2

For help and advice on the Garmin Zumo XT2.
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White Tiger
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XT vs XT2

Post by White Tiger »

Gday all,

My first GPS was the 660 and had next no problems with it. When it can time to upgrade, I got the XT and been constantly plagued by niggling little problems. I couldn't afford to replace the thing so i've put up with it until now.

Do you think an upgrade to the XT2 is a good move or should I wait until the next generation of Zumo comes onto the market?

Oop North John
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Re: XT vs XT2

Post by Oop North John »

The Xt2 may look very similar, and is made by Garmin, but it introduces some new way of doing things, especially with routes / tracks / waypoints that I found initially confusing, especially as the instruction manuals are anything but.

The XT2 has improvements, especially the bugs are much better ones. If I was you I'd try to use someone else's XT2 before spending your money.

There is the saying, "better the devil you know" I do wonder if that's Garmin's mission statement!
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Re: XT vs XT2

Post by jfheath »

I would stick with the XT. It is good at what it does, the faster routing algorithm takes some getting used to, and the now fairly well known RUT issue where it keeps wanting to take you back to the point where you had to deviate from the route is an issue that Garmin have ignored, but for which we have a solution. Although the 590 is completely trouble free, out if my 590, 595, XT and XT2 - the XT is one that I like to use for plotted unknown routes.

I have both XT and XT2 with a mount for each on the bike. I'm still getting used to the XT2. It has a habit of changing the route and shifting the shaping points onto roads you were trying to avoid, if you create routes as gpx files from any route planning app that I have tried

You are then stuck with the Tread app - route planning software on the XT2 itself, or a version for Android and iOs. Its very sophisticated, but seems very quirky to me at present. But routes created with this behave themselves.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

Links: Zumo 590/5 & BC . . . Zumo XT & BC
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