"Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

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"Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

Post by mbirth »

Garmin recommends to pair your phone with the zumo and the zumo with your headset - without a separate connection from your headset to the phone.

Basically: Phone <=> zumo <=> Headset

I've tried that with my 595 but noticed that this breaks the Google Assistant feature for me. E.g. when saying "Okay Google" to my Packtalk Bold, it wouldn't trigger the Google Assistant on my phone (because the trigger went to the 595 which didn't forward it). That's why I had to pair my phone and the 595 both to my Packtalk instead.

Could somebody with the XT and a headset with the assistant feature try if this works with the devices chained, now, please?
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Re: "Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

Post by V-Tom »

Yes you lose the direct ability for "Okay Google." You can use the "Voice Call" function in the phone app to do the same thing (but you don't say "Okay Google".). You press the Voice dial button and when the screen says to speak you say your command. As far as I can see it will do anything you can do as if you were speaking directly to the phone. Downside is that it means a few key clicks and once you voice dial it goes out if the phone app so a few clicks to go back if you wanted to give another command.

If you take the XT out of the connections the Packtalk Bold works normally. (I tried it mid ride just to check.)

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Re: "Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

Post by Hati »

With an iPhone 11 and Freecom 4+ the situation is much the same, although I have to have the phone paired to the headset as well, because I use the XT only on one of my bikes. Whether the XT is involved or not, I need to press the phone button to be able to use voice commands with Siri. I have VOX disabled on the headset because it doesn't work well with my accent, so that may play a part.

Re: "Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

Post by mbirth »

Thanks a lot! So it's very much like with the 595.
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Re: "Ok, Google" / "Hey Siri" from headset - does it make it to the phone?

Post by epv »

I realize this is an old thread but just wanted to offer a warning - iphone 13pro, sena 50R. "Hey Siri" as expected does not work via the Sena when the Zumo XT is connected, but unfortunately even after disconnecting and forgetting the Zumo, it has never recovered the ability.

EDIT: after a couple of hours of frustrated experimentation I'm about 90% sure the failure is due to a Sena firmware update rather than pairing with the Zumo Xt.

And for what it's worth, on a Sena 50S with non-updated fw, (v2.5) "Hey Siri" does still work even when both headset and phone are paired to the Zumo, which is contrary to other reports I heard. I was able to activate Siri by 1) "Hey Siri" 2) pressing the "Phone" button on the headset, or 3) tapping the phone icon on the Zumo XT and then tapping "Voice Dial". All three worked.
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