To add to the thinking on BC customised routes:
BC uses settings for routes which are stored in 'Profiles'. This is a facility that is available in Basecamp that saves having to set up your preferences for every single route. You set up a profile for motorcycling and use that for as many routes as you wish. The problem with this is that if you change one of the settings in the profile, then every route that uses that profile has to be recalculated. It does this as soon as you have finished editing, and can take a very long time to complete.
A customised route does not use the settings stored in a BC profile. It uses the settings that are stored in a separate location linked to your route. So if you make a change, BC doesn't have to go away and recalculate a load of other routes. These settings are a one-off.
But these settings have nothing to do with the information that is sent to the Zumo either by USB cable or as a gpx file. They are used to give BC the means to calculate the route in the way that you wish. Once the route is sent to the Zumo or a Gpx file it sends your plotted route points (icluding any saved waypoints), the 'ghost' points, and information about each section of road taken from the map files - eg speed limit, class of road, dual carriageway, length of this section, direction, ..... etc. This is the Subclass data, abouth which @FrankB is more qualified to talk than I am.
It is within this data that there was an outside chance that and avoidances could be hiding.
Two additional pieces of information about the route are sent in the GPX file: The routing preferences (faster/shorter/direct) and the transportation mode used (Motorcycling/Car). If the Zumo has to recalculate the route fro any reason, this gives the Zumo its best chance of producing soething similar. It tells the Zumo it is a motorcycle, that it is using Faster time, and if there are motorcycle settings for avoidances already stored int he ZUmo, then it should use those. But the settings for avoidances from Basecamp are not sent with the route.
To verify this:
I just checked out three versions of the same route :-
1 Using the motorcycle profile;
2 a custom profile with no avoidances set;
3 a custom profile with all avoidance check boxes set.

- BC FtAug 3 Routes.jpg (14.14 KiB) Viewed 1483 times
I chose a route which I knew could not be altered - no matter what avoidances or road types were ticked in the Basecamp settings.
A circuit where no other roads could be used. I wanted to see if there was any significant difference between the gpx file that was produced for each of the 3 routes by comparing the gpx files. If the calculated route was different each time, I would not be able to spot the avoidance data - if it existed.

- BC FtAug Route.jpg (22.12 KiB) Viewed 1483 times
The only difference in the 991 lines of the gpx file was the time, the route name and the 3 lines describing the profile name used in Basecamp to create the route. This name is used to switch the Zumo into the correct mode when tthe route is loaded. The first route had the three line, the other two did not.
This wasn't just a casual glance - I loaded the three files into a spreadsheets - made sure that the corresponding lines aligned correctly and got the spreadhseet to do comparisons between the text on the same line in each of the three gpx files. Everything was identical apart from the 3 things that I have mentioned. If the avoidance info was being sent to the Zumo with the route / gpx file - there would have been differences between at least two of the routes. The customised routes were absolutley identical except for the name and the time.
I still reckon that if the routes are behaving differently when changing those settings after being calculated by the XT, then there has to be some other reason for it. I can think of many possibilities - and it is why - when testing RUT behaviour, I had to clear out my XT and perform a complete system reset before each separate test.