OK Garmin Express installed OK.
A number of updates were identified, one of which was the Map - in my case City Navigator Europe 2025.10.
I never ask Express to update all - I only do them one at a time. The map update has always failed if I select all at once.
Map update was greyed out until I had performed the first item in the list.
Map update then started but failed subsequently. 3 or 4 times.
I tried FrankB's suggestion of running Express as administrator. That started off and installed the map correctly.
I noted a few things afterwards. Express no longer asks you to disconnect the Zumo and then reconnect. But if you don't do that, it doesn't report anything else to install. When the Zumo is unplugged, it needs to be started up. It then says
There are additional updates that require the device to restart. This may take several minutes. Restart Now ?
So yes to that and the ZUmo displays a progress bar and almost immediately shuts off. Restart it and the new map is installed.
Then reconnect the USB cable, wait for Express to recognise its presence and you can then install any other 1 minute updates.
So that was fun, but it worked.
When I tried to install the maps to the computer, the XT needed to be plugged in, and that failed a few times. Either with an error message or it was a message indicating that it was having difficulty connecting to the Zumo servers. Too busy perhaps.
So then I set about the same process with my Zumo 590 and my Zumo 595.
Similar things happened - but forgot to run Express as administrator, but it worked on the second time of asking. Again - it would not install the other items until the Zumo had been disconnected, rebooted and allowed to update.
This was true for both 59x Zumos. The last one presented no problems at all.
I'm wondering if now that everyone gets to know about the updates at the same time as a result of facebook, forums like this etc - that the servers are becoming overloaded, and all you have to do is keep trying. If it fails, it fails within the first few (maybde 10) minutes. Once it has established the link and has got past the initial fast download speed and settled into something more sensible - it seems to keep the connection alive until complete. Thats what I observed in my three downloads.
But after the maps have completed you have to remember to disconnect and reboot the Zumo to let it update itself. Then let it reboot. Then check the new maps are registered in myMaps. Then reconnect and install the other items (keyboard, cyclops, language files etc)