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Re: Garmin Express 7.24.0 has been released

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 12:03 pm
by twowheelstom
Snijderj wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 7:22 am I don't have an XT2, just an XT.
Very strange, it must be a bug. I've gone back to the previous version of Express and that works fine.
Greetings Snijder
I think Garmin removed that option to download map updates to your computer only based on Zumo device model, because I just did a map update download to my computer only last nite using the Garmin Express for my Zumo 396 and I was able to install new map update for North American onto my PC computer, from there I used Garmin Mapinstall the install the maps I selected onto a microSD card and then installed that card into my 396, all worked fine no problems, so Garmin must have put a program change into the new Express program that looks at your Zumo model to determine your Options for downloads, maybe its just XT and XT2 devices that are not giving the computer only Option, dunno sorry, I dunno why Garmin Programmers removed that computer only Option, because I find that very useful, there must be a work-around for those who can't see that Option for computer only, it's only a matter of finding the solution , have a great day, I wish I could be of more help . 8-)