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Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:03 pm
by rbentnail
I use the XT in Portrait, but yes. The first pic, just at the bottom, like the last pic. I mention it only because it might be relevant to my issue. Actually the spinning wheel happens all the time to me.

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:03 pm
by jfheath
OK ta.

I have two thoughts on this then.

I have seen that first image pop up from time to time - at the start definitiely. I cannot remember whether or not it pops up after passing every via point. Possibly - I know I see it occasionally and ignore it.

I have noticed that when a route is running, no traffic information beyond the next via point shows up (road closures, road closed). That suggests that it goes hunting after each via point - and that definitely produces the rotating circle for a few seconds. That tends to go on forever if the phone cannot receive the date for some reason or if the bluetooth connection between the phone's Drive App and the XT is broken.

I'd be tempted to check whether Traffic is on Main Screen->Settings->Traffic and if it is ticked, then untick it. See what happens then when you pass Via Points ! If that cures it - and you want the traffic info - I've just been working on that - so I can point you towards that solution. If it still does it, then I'm stumped for now. Let me know what you find. Something may occur to me.

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 10:22 am
by rbentnail
jfheath wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:03 pm OK ta.

I have two thoughts on this then.

I have seen that first image pop up from time to time - at the start definitiely. I cannot remember whether or not it pops up after passing every via point. Possibly - I know I see it occasionally and ignore it.

I have noticed that when a route is running, no traffic information beyond the next via point shows up (road closures, road closed). That suggests that it goes hunting after each via point - and that definitely produces the rotating circle for a few seconds. That tends to go on forever if the phone cannot receive the date for some reason or if the bluetooth connection between the phone's Drive App and the XT is broken.

I'd be tempted to check whether Traffic is on Main Screen->Settings->Traffic and if it is ticked, then untick it. See what happens then when you pass Via Points ! If that cures it - and you want the traffic info - I've just been working on that - so I can point you towards that solution. If it still does it, then I'm stumped for now. Let me know what you find. Something may occur to me.
Let's not get off track here. This popup is just something I noticed & mentioned only b/c it might be relevant. My real problem is originally stated on page 4:

"My routing problem today with my XT is a little different. The route ran fine but the banner at the top where the display shows where to turn and how far away it is froze on me twice. The only way I could get it to work again was to stop the route and restart it. Anyone seen this before?"

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:20 pm
by jfheath
Yes. I was focusing on the fact that it happened after passing a via point. And you mentioned the spinning circle.
My experience of that is largely to do with Traffic - and you confirmed that it looked like that bottom picture.
(that bottom picture was actually weather related, but the traffic image is identical !) That spinning circle is due to a time delay in getting the data over the Bluetooth conenction form the phone's internet data. But that is not dependent on when it passes a Via Point (as far as I know).

My thought is that maybe the frozen banner and the passing of the via point and the spinning circle are connected - since they appear to happen at the same time. The spinning circle and traffic are certainly connected in some situations. It seems logical to prove or disprove that the frozen banner is also linked.

After that - the next thing to eliminate is the BT connection to the smartphone. Turn off BT - see if the banner freezes then.

Eventually you end up with (hopefully) the banner not freezing and a set of circumstances when it either does freeze or doesn't. At the point when it doesn't freeze, the solution has to be related to the last thing that you changed.

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:42 pm
by FrankB
You could try to switch the Route Preview off.
Settings/Driver Assistence/Route Preview

I remember the spinning seems to be related to this. See: viewtopic.php?t=2488

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:12 am
by rbentnail
FrankB wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:42 pm @rbentnail
You could try to switch the Route Preview off.
Settings/Driver Assistence/Route Preview

I remember the spinning seems to be related to this. See: viewtopic.php?t=2488
I'll try it but then I lose route preview. I have several similar routes to various destinations, I like to be able to see which route I'm using before I touch START. I'm not all that interest in "solving" the spinning, I touch X to close it. Again ->

Let's not get off track here. This popup is just something I noticed & mentioned only b/c it might be relevant. My real problem is originally stated on page 4:

"My routing problem today with my XT is a little different. The route ran fine but the banner at the top where the display shows where to turn and how far away it is froze on me twice. The only way I could get it to work again was to stop the route and restart it. Anyone seen this before?"

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:09 pm
by FrankB
rbentnail wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 10:12 am I'll try it but then I lose route preview.
It wasn't meant to be a final solution. Just to find out if it is related.

Another thought. Could it be that you've updated the maps, and not recalculated the route? It might be worth a try to recalculate the route in Basecamp and send it again to the XT.

Edit: Assuming you have the same maps in Basecamp and the XT.

Re: XT Routing problems

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:08 pm
by jfheath
This issue has to be to do with the combination of data coming from the phone and the Route up ahead. The two are linked.
I have never seen the spinning circle without it being related to the phone's Drive(XT) / Tread (XT2) / Smartphone Connect (59x) link.
But increasingly I have noted that the route on which I am traveling plays a part.

Example - I was playing with Traffic notifications the other day - road closures. Sitting at my desk. Load of road closures south of me. Zero to the north - yet I know of some. It would not show them. Then I noticed which way the satnav thought my bike was facing. South. It was only looking in the direction I was riding. If I change direction on a ride out (always - since I like to come back home) - it suddenly has a lot of data to download.

I usually have traffic notifications turned on, but often get a window that shows it is trying to update. I just dismiss the window, because I like to ride through the dales and over the hills. There are many places where there is no phone coverage. And that is where the problems show up.
I have to remind my partner that if she tries to contact me while I am out riding and gets no response, to try again 20-30 minues later. I'll be in a phone dead spot. Or send me a text. Texts keep re-trying and can often get through on a very weak signal.

But the reconnection of Bluetooth is a weird one. Everthing shows that they are connected, but whenever there is a an issue - just turning it off on both devices - phone and zumo - wait a couple of seconds and then turn it back on again. The devices reconnect instantly and the problem that was there goes away. It happens every now and then if I have been messing with things. Rarely on a ride. It's as if they have gone to sleep and a reconnect gives them an alarm call.

The Drive App sits there doing nothing for a long time - as far as the Android / ios operating system is conerned. Most phones have battery saving technology to stop apps from using battery power when they do not need it.
ON the Android phone this is in Settings->Apps->Drive

Notifications needs to be allowed.
Remove permissions if app is unused needs to be turned off.
Battery settings needs to be Unrestricted (not optimised)
Permissions needs to allow Location

I cannot list the things that need to be set up on an iPhone
I have an iPad which sometimes substitutes. On that I need to find the apps permissions and the settings permissions. Two separate places - but since it doesn't actually act as a phone the options are limited. And Drive and Tread have their settings in different places on the same iPad.