Where did my tracks go

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Where did my tracks go

Post by Johnyy »

Been using a 350 for quite a few years and never really figured out the track records. I have been away travelling for 3 weeks and every couple of days I save my tracks to another device so that I can keep a record of where I have been in Basecamp. I have tried to be meticulous about this after previously losing records of a long trip on a Nuvi as I did not realise the tracks were dropped. Presumably this is due to memory limitations.

I have tracks for every day of my trip except the last 4 days of the journey which do not show in basecamp. However even though archive/.gpx files have dates for only those days I was away, basecamp shows tracks from a previous trip.

My guess is the .gpx files messed themselfs up and the solution would be simply to delete all of them - and swallow the frustration that once again Garmin have lost something as precious as photos to me

Any advice welcome
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Re: Where did my tracks go

Post by sussamb »

Tracks are overwritten once space fills up so it's weird you have tracks from earlier days but not the last four of your trip. I can't see how that could happen.
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Re: Where did my tracks go

Post by Johnyy »

Something strange just happened. I was about to wipe the device but decided to double check the manual, and came across the track back app. It seemed to show a small part of my journey so I saved it as a trip. Wonders were beheld on importing into BCamp. The exact part of my trip that had been missing (1,200 miles and 6 countries) re-appeared :o

I am now mr happy

But still need advice.

1. Would this have been less likely to happen if I were using an sd card?
2. What is the preferred method of reseting/stabilising the device?

Last edited by Johnyy on 08 Jul 2018 12:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where did my tracks go

Post by sussamb »

1. No
2. To carry out a master reset turn off the Zumo and disconnect any power cable from the unit. Hold down your finger in the lower-right corner of the screen. Hold the "Power" button, releasing it only after the Zumo turns on. Release your finger from the lower-right corner of the screen after a "Do you really want to erase all user data?" message appears. Tap "Yes."
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Joined: 07 Jul 2018 14:28
Great Britain

Re: Where did my tracks go

Post by Johnyy »

Many thanks