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Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:47 pm
by BigBird
This has reproduced. I can't reliably make it happen on cue, but it beat me up 3 or 4 times when route building Saturday night and was super annoying.

The issue: I drop a routepoint when building a route. When cleaning up the route, I notice I missed the road and there's a little detour that I don't want. I use the move point tool to put the routepoint where it should be. The point moves, but the associated detour / wiggle persists in the route's path (the magenta line), or maybe a slightly different corruption but not the straight-through path that should be there. Even after recalculating, and after de-selecting and re-selecting the route. It persists until I delete the routepoint and re-add it, more correctly.

Detail that I'm not 100% sure is true ALL the time this happens, but it seems the last crop of these occurred when my route tool point creation dropped onto a POI location. When I moved the routepoint, it looked like it made a separate point -- the moved routepoint displays the icon as old route/POI, shows in the new location where I want it in the road, but the route still going back to the original POI which still seems to be there. Moving other routepoints that were NOT absorbed POIs had the expected results with no extra wiggle.

Have you experienced the same issue?

My hunch is the "moved POI" somehow gums up the route calculation in BaseCamp. I don't know what it will do on the GPS side of things. May tinker some more when I have some time.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 2:18 pm
by jfheath
When dropping a route point into Basecamp, the placed point will 'snap' to anything nearby that it recognises - even if the level of detail on the map doesn't allow such locations to be displayed. It is important to check the actual location of a point with the map zoomed in to as high a level as possible.

I don't bother trying to place ad-hoc route points accurately at first attempt. I rarely get it right, and I'd rathr get the gist of the route and then focus on the actual placements as a final stage - something that I will hvae to do anyway.

For that I double click the route to display the route properties dialogue box, and place a tick in the 'Center Map' check box.
This allows me to move down the list of all points one at a time, and the map will zoom into each pointin turn and place it int he centre of the screen.

Although you can zoom in a little further, this is usually close enough to get the point placed accurately - and at that zoom level, any snapping to a nearby point is very obvious.

Why the magenta line should retain the kink - I don't know - unless you have the point located on the wrong side of the road. You may need to increase the level of detail of the map - the lower levels do not display the roads as curvy lines.

Also - 3D view of the Basecamp map can result in a very broken magenta line. 2D results in a much smoother line. (View menu)

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 2:28 pm
by BigBird
Thanks for your comment, @jfheath

I am in 2D and this is not a divided highway issue. I know those well. I concur on all the point dropping, zooming, clean up 101 remarks. Sage tips, not in play here.

My question is all about the "kink" as you call it.

Later, I will aim to capture an example of this BaseCamp-specific behavior as well as a BaseCamp-->GPS anomaly that beat me up. May or may not be related, so that'll get a separate thread. At the time, I was on the clock and had to just get it done. Didn't keep the breadcrumbs.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 2:32 pm
by jfheath
I'm stumped then.

If it is a Europe map, send the gpx, I'll see if I can reproduce it.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 6:18 pm
by BigBird
US maps. I posted the related GPX here viewtopic.php?t=1789
but that is AFTER I resolved the relic routing. Discusses another issue. It was a bad day!

I will aim to reproduce later with steps, screenshots, etc. Probably not for a few days.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 8:30 pm
by rbentnail
This happens to me all the time, just did in fact. Using the insert tool, I add a point to a route in Base Camp. Instead of a slight route change from one 2-lane road to another I got a triangular section added to ride in a cornfield and then go back to the road I want to avoid.

I always end up deleting (CTRL+Z) the new point and then trying again. And sometimes again. I've found no rhyme or reason to it, it seems random. But it does happen a lot to me when modifying routes in Base Camp.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 8:53 pm
by colirv
jfheath wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 2:18 pm For that I double click the route to display the route properties dialogue box, and place a tick in the 'Center Map' check box.
This allows me to move down the list of all points one at a time, and the map will zoom into each pointin turn and place it int he centre of the screen.
Brilliant. Every day's a school day!

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 9:41 pm
by rbentnail
I should have added to my post that once that little squiggle is created, moving the point just makes it bigger or smaller. I always have to delete the added point that created the squiggle then insert it again in a different place. Most of the time this works, but not always.

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 11:31 pm
by BigBird
Thanks for confirming, Russ. Misery loves company.

If that's as good as it gets, it's not too bad. #FirstWorldProblems

Re: Move routepoint leaves relic wiggle in route

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 3:54 pm
by BigBird
See page 1 of this PDF for an example of a relic wiggle.!Am5GnNzOpxmXpbo0IpQ ... A?e=fNFeeO

The delete & re-create method is the only way I've managed to get around it.

BTW, I don't see how to upload images to this forum, and links aren't great either.