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Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 1:06 am
by joe68sg1
It has happened on 3 different rides.
Just riding along looking at the road, then look down and totally dark display.
Unit is mounted on the handlebars, on the factory ram mount powered with factory bike battery connection.
Wait a minute or 2, look down and unit is back on, right where it should be, no reboot or loss of position on map.
Any idea what could be causing this? I am at a loss...

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 10:06 am
by jfheath
That sounds as though it is a loose connection - at the battery, at the fuse or at the contact terminals in the cradle. Make sure that the two pins spring in and out, and when you fitted it, make sure that it is held in place properly with the small single screw.

Normally though, you would get a message warning you that it has lost power - unless your internal battery is compeltely dead.
Charge it up fully for a day on a power supply that can deliver at least 2 Amps.

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 11:12 am
by neilb
I had the same happen to me yesterday and noticed that the charge icon wasn’t showing. This morning I took a look at the mount and it seemed that one of the spring-loaded contact pins was stuck in. A bit of jiggling and a touch of WD40 appears to have freed it and the XT is working as it should (for the moment)

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 11:21 am
by joe68sg1
OK, as far as I can tell the battery was fully charged and I had been riding for over an hour when it happened every time.
I did not see any indication that external power was lost, but I was not staring at the display. I might have missed that.
Would be nice if the battery indicator was available on all screens to keep track of the internal power.
I will look at the connection points, strange that it came back on within a minute or 2 by itself, then happened again a short while later.
Thanks for the advice, will let you know if I find anything.
Have a good one

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 12:31 pm
by Rofor
The battery symbol and the state of it (green symbol when on internal battery, black flash symbol when on external power) could be only seen on the main screen of the Zumo XT, so i fear your power-connection has never been really established, as the Zumo XT does show a message box, when the external power is lost!

When loosing external power, a message box pop's up to warn you, that you're now on battery power and ask's, if the Zumo XT should be working on battery power. If you don't press a button within (i think) 15 seconds, the Zumo XT goes into standby.

Did the Zumo XT power on, when it's in the mount before you turn on ignition?
When and how (new or used) did you buy your Zumo XT - it would be worth checking, if you have the 'old' mount and/or the 'old' power cable, as both of them had problems - first batch of mounts had connection problems because the mount was too loose, and also first batch of power cables has problems with bad pins, that get loose and/or fell out after a time...

Here are some pictures of old/new mount and old/new cable:

On the left is the new mount, and on the right the old mount and the old cable:
Zumo XT mounts.jpg
Zumo XT mounts.jpg (410.92 KiB) Viewed 3247 times
And here's the new cable:
Zumo XT new cable.png
Zumo XT new cable.png (51.91 KiB) Viewed 3247 times

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 1:02 pm
by joe68sg1
Mine is the old mount...didn't even know there was a new model of mount.
Would be nice if Garmin would let people know if new stuff comes available.
They know who owns what thru registration...right?
How do I get a new one?

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 1:40 pm
by Rofor
Normally Garmin is exchanging it without problems - i also had the old one (and the old power cable) as i bought my Zumo XT in April 2020, just had a online chat with the Garmin Support and they send my both very quick and without any extra costs...

Check your cable also, chances are great that when you already have the old mount the cable also is from the first batch!

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 2:34 pm
by joe68sg1
Thanks, I will reach out to them and hopefully get the new model sent to me.
Sure is great to have knowledgeable people to help out.
This forum is really great for the average rider like me...
Thanks again

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Mon May 08, 2023 11:32 pm
by joe68sg1
Today I chatted with Carla from Garmin, after some discussion she agreed to send me a new mount and cable free of charge.
It will take 3-6 business days to receive it, but I will post after I get it installed and used it a couple times.
Again, thanks for the advice and keep up the good work.

Re: Zumo XT turns off while riding

Posted: Tue May 09, 2023 8:37 am
by Rofor
Another hind for 'cable/connections' problems:

The connector is screwed into the mount with only one little screw on the top - sometimes (or at some users) the pressure from the pins to the connector of the Zumo XT itself seems a little bit to weak on the bottom side, exactly were the pins are! Some users put a thin, self-sticking foam-piece on the back side of the connector on the cable, so that it has a bit more pressure to the connectors of the Zumo XT...

Here's a picture:
Zumo XT cable-foam.jpg
Zumo XT cable-foam.jpg (223.25 KiB) Viewed 3199 times