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Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:16 pm
by V-Tom
Has anyone experienced that traffic ahead along a route has stopped working? It has been dead reliable up until now. I depend on it for my commute and it looks like sometime over the last few days that stopped working. (My work week is Tuesday through Saturday so I just noticed this yesterday (Tuesday.) I think (But am not sure) that my Zumo had an update late last week

This morning I checked the traffic app and it listed incidents around me (it didn't yesterday) but didn't show anything along the route.

I'm running a Google Pixel 6a with Android 13 and I think it also had an update last week.

Any thoughts?



Re: Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:07 pm
by jfheath
It was working for me on Friday.

It showed red circles on roads affected by closure and informed me a number of times at there were delays of xx mins ahead and that a detour would save me yy mins.

I ignored all of them and carried on. the reported delay of 25 minutes was only a couple of minutes when I got to it. But it did alert me to a delay on the motorway - i was going to take one junction, so I thought I'd circuit the roundabout to look before making up my mind. it was log-jammed.

Check your XT permissions for traffic and your Garmin drive notifications on your phone for drive, and in the drive app for what it is allowed to send to the XT.

Re: Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 8:05 pm
by V-Tom

All permissions were on except one notification that was labeled "Other". I flipped it on and will see on my way home from work this eve if that solves it. I don't see anything else that can interfere with it.



Re: Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:31 pm
by V-Tom
Oddly it shows traffic incidents around my home but not in the area closer to my work (70 km / 40 miles ride each way.) At my home and as I head to work it shows traffic incidents but as I get further from home they start dropping out and nothing shows close to where I am at the time.

I'm at my work and took the XT outside. I opened the traffic app and it asked me to wait a bit (which is normal.) Then when I looked it said "no incident found." Odd for in a large city (Toronto, Canada.)

Strangely nearby traffic cameras run on provincial controlled highway didn't work and ones run but the municipality worked.

I wonder if the data source is coming from the province and that they might be having an issue?


Re: Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:53 pm
by V-Tom
I chatted with Garmin Support Yesterday. He "Mike" was very helpful to the point of checking that the traffic supplier was functioning properly and also getting a GPS at his end to think it was in my area and finding that traffic was working fine. He suggested re-installing the maps (which had to be done on a computer) and I did so last night.

Saturday ride to work doesn't usually have any traffic issues on the route I take but I was able to see all the traffic incidents in the Greater Toronto Area (which I wasn't seeing) so I think the issue is gone now.


Re: Traffic along route has stopped

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:34 am
by Peobody
I am glad you have it resolved Tom. I don't understand what a reinstall of a map has to do with traffic though.