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The symbols icons are given by Basecamp to different profiles. Thats all. When i first started using BC, i thought i'd have a motorcycle curvy profile. Created it and gave it my own icon. Was then dismayed to discover it didn't do what I wanted when it got to the Zumo.
In Basecamp: The Driving and Motorcycling options in Bascamp are both
profiles. A profile in BC is a set of stored preferences which can be assigned to route. The idea is that you choose your setting for a profile (avoidances such as ferries, unpaved road, interstates, ...) and then assign them to a route. It saves having to enter the settings for every single route. Pick a profile, and use that instead, and your BC route then applies all of the settings that are in that profile.
You can see the effect of this if you change just a single setting - say, in the motorcycle profile. Every single route that uses that profile then gets recalculated. All of them. That is because they were created using that profile as it was, and the settings have just changed - so they all need to be recalculated.
You can create a 'Custom Route' - rather than assigning a profile. In this route, the settings such as avoidances are all stored with the BC route information.
This information is used to calculate the Basecamp route. Nothing else. None of the avoidance settings that are used to calculate the route are transmitted to the Zumo. You can look, but you won't find them. They are not there.
There is one piece of information that is transmitted to the Zumo - the name of the profile that was used in Basecamp ie Motorcycling or Driving. This information is used to trigger the transportation mode in the Zumo. Bike or Car. Just accept that for the time being.
Basecamp also transmits the plot of the route that it has calculated. Thousands of invisible route points that are joined together with short straight lines - a few metres - which keeps the route on the tarmac that Basecamp intended. When you transfer a route from Basecamp to the Zumo it should always be a 100% faithful reproduction of the route that Basecamp calculated. But if the maps on BC and on Zumo are different, the Zumo has to recalculate the route and then it won't be the same. Also if any of the settings in Edit / Options / Device Transfer are ticked.
You can observe this for yourself. Create a route with start and end and a few shaping points, no vias. Make the route have a distinctive shape so that you can recognise it. Then right click on the route and select the option to remove shaping points. The route stays the same, but no longer has any shaping points. Transmit that to the Zumo and load it in, It will keep exactly the same shape - if it doesn't, then you have discovered what is causing you to have problems ! It will stay like that until it has to recalculate the route or part of it. Eg if you deviate. Then without shaping points it will head straight for the end. MRA gpx v1.2 export does the same thing ie strips out the shaping points
Ok so that's Basecamp.
When the Zumo receives the route it has three things.
1. The plot of the route, including all of the invisible ghost points and the via points, shaping points and saved waypoints that get placed in favourites, and which, if used in a route, will never have their name changed by the XT.
2. The name of the profile used in Basecamp (Driving, Motorcycling)
3. The routing preference (Faster Time, Shorter Distance)
That's all.
The zumos can have two sets of preferences. Car and Motorcycle. There is also an Offroad profile on some devices, but the way that is handled changes for each of the 590, 595 and XT, so I am going to ignore it in this reply.
I don't know if you have noticed but the Zumo will switch its selected mode of transport when it is placed in different cradles. When new, put the Zumo in the car cradle and the Zumo will be switched to the car profile. It switches to motorcycle if it is put in the motorcycle cradle. It is actually determined by where the power comes from on the XT. But that is when it is new. What it actually does is switch to the vehicle profile that was last in use when it was placed in that cradle. So if you put the 590 into the car cradle, and then switch the profile to motorcycle, the next time you place the Zumo into the car cradle, it will select the motorcycle cradle.
The XT gives a warning when you are about to switch mode, although I haven't seen that recently.
When the route is loaded and Go! is selected, then a few things happen
The profile name in the route is used to select the profile that is to be used in the Zumo.
The routing preference that is set in the route is selected in the Zumo.
The route doesn't change as a result of this, but if the route has to be recalculated at any time it will use these two settings, and in using (say) the motorcycle settings, it will use whatever is set in the Zumo avoidances (for motorcycle) - which are different from those available in BC.
So if the route us recalculated, then it will almost certainly change from the route that was created in BC, unless sufficient shaping and via points were put in place to prevent this from happening. Tactical placing of points is better than an excessive number.
If the Zumo XT receives a route profile name that is not either Driving or Motorcycling, it defaults to using motorcycle in the Zumo.
If the Zumo Xt receives anything other than Faster / Shorter, then it defaults to Faster.
So Custom routes all become Motorcycle.
The 590 and 595 do something similar, but there are different considerations on those models.
There is one that I have omitted. Direct. This is because Direct isn't a profile as such. There are no avoidances, there is no faster/shorter.
If you use the Direct 'profile' for a route, it chooses the straight line option in the Zumo routing preferences.
There are two places that you can read more about this
For the Zumo 590/595. Download the pdf in the first post. Section 4.
For the XT. Section 5 and subsequent pages .