I have a 660LM which I have owned for many years and use primarily with the official Garmin maps. I have worked out how to update using GarminExpress and all is fine with the offical maps. The thing is I am due to go to Morocco next month and am trying to get an OSM map of the country onto the Zumo. I had one on it about 8 years ago so I know that it should work...
I have an 8GB SD card in the zumo.
I reqested a map from BBBike using the PLanet OSM system and downloaded it onto my C Drive and then onto the SD card. it showed up as a gmapsupp.img file on both drives.
I just assumed that once it was on the SD card it should just work in the Zumo but no such luck. I then learnt about Basecamp and tried using that to get it to transfer but it doesn't recognise it. I tried MapSource but the same thing.
What is wrong? Is it the .img format that is wrong? |I read somewhere that Basecamp doesn't recognise .img files? Do I even need Basecamp?
I'm so sick of it all now I feel like throwing the thing at the wall!! I guess I just want reassurance that i am going down the right route and not making a glaring error. Or to know that it is no longer possible to use OSM maps on the older Zumo's, in which case I can stop wasing my time here.
Thanks for reading