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Collection not deleted on xt2 when deleted by Tread ?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:35 am
by ZumoGSer
So as per title , Tread successfully creates new ‘collection’ on xt2 , so is therefore communicating well . However it deletes another collection in Tread but not the same on xt2?
Any ideas ? Surely software fault ?

Re: Collection not deleted on xt2 when deleted by Tread ?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:10 pm
by AugustFalcon
I think I sort of ran into the same type of situation with failures to delete Collections and then failures to properly sync tracks within collections. To "cure" all that I did a system reset on the XT2 deleting all my data but not the maps and it seems to be working OK now.

One thing I noticed going down that rat-hole was that the Collections appear actually be living in a database contained on your Garmin Explore page. It seems that sometimes when you make a change in a Collection in the Tread App or on the XT2 it takes a bit of time to propagate over to one's Explore Library. It also seemed that deleting the Collection using the Explore App or the Explore browser page usually worked.

I think Garmin is still trying to figure out exactly how all this should work in a way that's at least semi-intuitive to the average XT2 or XT user.

Re: Collection not deleted on xt2 when deleted by Tread ?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:44 pm
by ZumoGSer
I did something similar , a month ago , but started by deleting the Tread app ; That was a complete disaster because the result was loss of all data ( needed restore from backups ) . As if Tread is the master database ?
Note explore does backups of waypoints and routes , but no backup of organised COLLECTIONS

Re: Collection not deleted on xt2 when deleted by Tread ?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:14 pm
by Sean OZ
I'm giving the entire Tread App a very wide berth, until Garmin can hopefully get it to play nice with the XT2. The Tread App seems like nothing but trouble!

For the time being I've been using "Gaia GPX Maps" to create an actual route, (on a laptop screen) I then load the routes and tracks I created (in Gaia) into BaseCamp. I then use BC to transfer the GPX files to the XT2.

There's an Aussie bloke on YouTube that has put together a very detailed tutorial on how to do it, with no need for a bloody stupid tread app. You will need to search ... " Mapping and Route Planning for Adventure Bike Riders - Part 1 of 4 ". He's a dedicated ADV rider also.

His instructions are for the original Zumo, but a few tweaks and it also works for the XT2. It's a four-part series but totally worth learning how he does it. Once you have, you can then plan your own routes on a large screen and not have them "scrambled" by the Tread App. Routes and tracks will then remain just the way you want them, and they will NOT be "re-calculated" by any "nut-job" Tread App or by the XT2.