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No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:00 pm
by MotoToph
Yesterday the XT was no longer showing album art, song title and artist. It only displays No Media Playing. I am able to start music by pressing the start button, but that same button will not pause the music. I am able to skip songs on the Zumo as well. The zumo shows that it is connected to my phone, a Samsung S23 Ultra. The music plays from from phone through the XT's speaker.

The phone does send album art to my Drivesmart 66. This also uses Garmin Drive. It also sends album art to both of my vehicles via bluetooth. I paired my wife's phone (same model) to the XT with no change.

I deleted drive from my phone, unpaired the XT on the Phone and XT itself. Re-paired everything and still the same as above. Then I removed everything again and factory reset the XT. It did not fix anything and is doing what is mentioned above. Coincidentally a software update came out today, but did not address the situation. I am a daily rider. Everything was working on Monday.

Any ideas?

Edit: I forgot to add that music from the SD card works as it should.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:39 am
by raesewell
I have no answer to your problem but a question, why is album art important if you just want to listen. I do understand the wanting things to work as they should but I could live without album art and stress less.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:12 pm
by MotoToph
Because I like to see what is playing.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:13 pm
by raesewell
Each to their own, but surely you can hear what's playing. I hope you get it sorted and can ride happy again.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:17 pm
by MotoToph
I'll be more specific. I like to see what is playing if I do not know who it is by hearing the music.

Surely you can write directions on the windscreen or have printed directions, or a map displayed on a tank bag instead of a Zumo.

And where did I mention that this was causing any displeasure in my riding experience or it causing any stress?

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 9:21 pm
by raesewell
Yes I suppose. I very very rarely listen to music while riding, maybe sometimes if I'm on a particularly long ride.
I hope someone can come along and help you out of your purgatory.
Safe riding be happy stress less.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 12:14 pm
by BrAtKo
I suggest to try pair another smartphone to figure it out. The arts are OK from Apple Music here.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:06 pm
by MotoToph
BrAtKo wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 12:14 pm I suggest to try pair another smartphone to figure it out. The arts are OK from Apple Music here.
Yeah, I paired my wife's Samsung S23 Ultra with no success. I also tried a bunch of streaming apps to no avail. I emailed Garmin and waiting to hear from them

If I can't get this sorted I may resort to selling the bike 😪

Just kidding, of course. 😅

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:10 pm
by raesewell
I have had problems with album art in the past after copying and pasting, I have a lot of MP3s now who think they are Brenda Lee's Jump the Broomsticks, they are not, well obviously Brenda Lee's Jump the Broomsticks is but the rest have her Album Art. It has never bothered me so I have not looked for a fix. I believe it happens for no apparent reason.

Re: No Album Art via Bluetooth

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 6:53 pm
by lkraus
I think the problem with the controls is more important than the lack of album art.

You might want to look at the permissions settings for the apps on your phone(s). I've had issues when "Remove permissions if app is unused" is activated. Turning that feature off and then granting permissions for the apps involved (Drive, the music source, file manager, etc.) corrected the problem.