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Why is this route not going the fastest way without shaping points.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 5:26 pm
by UK Bloke
I've been given a route and when I load it into Basecamp avoiding the A5 (this is intended by the authour).
What I don't get is why/how the route is going this way when there's no shaping points rather then just up the A5.
The BC Profile is std and doesn't have any avoidences.
It also shows the same in Calimoto but when I use in MRA it goes up the A5 as I would have expected.

Re: Why is this route not going the fastest way without shaping points.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 6:15 pm
by Oop North John
I get that routing with "curvy roads" selected in the route options. Faster time goes along the A5.

Re: Why is this route not going the fastest way without shaping points.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 6:18 pm
by lkraus
I suspect that the route will change if you let it recalculate.

A route created by converting a track will use the track points as "ghost" points to maintain the correct path, without shaping points.