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Where to get red light and speed camera GPX or CSV?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 2:56 am
by kioolt
I've been using POI Factory's camera database for several years now. Is there another good source for a database of red light and speed cameras?

Re: Where to get red light and speed camera GPX or CSV?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:39 pm
by dave726
I use the ones from poi-factory. But I run them through a couple edits before using. If you are familiar with Gvim editor, I've got scripts that clean them up a little and convert metric Canadian speeds to English units. Then I import the csv files into ExtraPOIEditor and end up with a clean gpx file. Since those files from poi-editor are subscription/participation files, I can't upload them. I can give you my edit scripts and EPE M-column import parameters if you are interested.

Re: Where to get red light and speed camera GPX or CSV?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 10:59 pm
by kioolt
I've never heard of GVIM. Where can I get it?

Re: Where to get red light and speed camera GPX or CSV?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:03 pm
by dave726 and run the gvim80.exe to install on a PC.
(you can find the link from a Google search)
Edit vim scripts and bmp files:
(1.08 KiB) Downloaded 3019 times
Conversion of speed camera.csv:
1.Edit with Cream/Vim. Settings>Preferences>Behavior>Vim and run vim script to add @ and edit KM/H, etc. Save and exit.
2.Open EPE and select M-column CSV import for Speed Camera format.
2a.Set CSV profile: Longitude,Latitude,POI Name,State,City,Description
3.Replace field Symbol with Custom 5 and Display with SymbolOnly.
4.Save speed camera.gpx.

Conversion of redlight.csv:
1.Edit with Cream/Vim. Settings>Preferences>Behavior>Vim and run vim script to change Red Light Camera text to RLC:. Save and exit.
2.Open EPE and select M-column CSV import for RLC format.
2a.Set CSV profile: Longitude,Latitude,POI Name,Address,State,City,Description
3.Replace field Symbol with Custom 4 and Display with SymbolOnly.
4.Save redlight.gpx.

Sounds complicated, but I can do it in 15 minutes with any new RLC and Speed camera csv files from poi-factory now.