33 Closest Entry Point

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What It does and how to use it.

This is a very welcome addition to the ‘Select Next Destination’ list on the XT - because it does exactly what it says. It finds the place in your Trip’s route that is the shortest distance from your current position, plots a new route to get you to that point and then seamlessly tags on the remainder of the original route from the Trip, including all of the Shaping Points and Via Points that lie ahead.

There is no hidden meaning - it finds the shortest distance to the magenta route.

Pic 2 - Select Next Destination

For the same Skipton to Ft Wm route as before, I parked myself in Hawick - where the bike is shown on the map with a green flag. On restarting the route Pic 2 shows the options presented.  I chose Closest Entry Point.

Pic 3 - Closest Entry Point (CEP)

Pic 3 shows the resulting route. This may be a surprise as the XT heads towards Carlisle - 35 miles to the south.  There is a road that heads west from the green flag and it would join the original route 30 miles north of Carlisle. But this route is twisty and is 41 miles away from the original route - so it is not closer.

So selecting CEP would take 65 miles to get to the point where heading west would get you in 41 miles. But it does what it says - and takes you to the closest point on the original route.  The closest point is not always the most efficient. Nor would you want it to be.

What would I do in this situation?

Knowing that I was stopping in Hawick, I would have had a Via Point on the road I wanted to be on when I left. It would then appear in the list in Pic 2.  But not to side step the question - I’d ignore the XT’s protests and head west. It would soon calculate a new way to the next Shaping Point at A74(M).


But what is a SatNav without ‘gotchas’?

Beware having ‘Avoid U-Turns’ ticked when using ‘Closest Entry Point’.

If it thinks that you are facing the wrong way, it cannot turn you around, at it will have trouble creating a route to the closest point on the route. At the time of writing - v6.20 of the software - If I allow U-Turns this problem doesn’t crop up.  v6.30 may have solved this - but I have yet to verify this.

Also - if you have two navigable maps for the same area loaded on your XT, then make sure that only one set is ticked. eg - I have the navigable Open Source Maps (OSM) that cover the whole of the UK as well as the north and south navigable Europe maps provided by Garmin. It can create problems if OSM maps are ticked at the same time as the two Europe Maps.

(Settings -> Map & Vehicle -> My Maps. Pic 1)

Always check the route that is produced by the XT, and check the flag and the blue disc route points. Any errors will be very obvious.

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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.