52 Using Tracks and Routes Together

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To Display on a Zumo Screen.


Pic 1 shows the contents of a List, taken from Basecamp. It shows the components of a route that I intend to follow on Day 8 of my Trip.


There are 6 Waypoints (the blue flag icons). I have added the day number and mileage to each named Waypoint.


‘08 Pack Horse - 66m’ is the route with the motorcycle profile icon displayed.


Underneath is the track that I have created from the route. This is easy to do in Basecamp - right click the route and select 'Create Track from Route' from the popup menu.


At this point, the track and the route are identical, so it is impossible for me to show one superimposed on top of the other ! So instead, I created a straight line (Direct) track which uses the same route points defined in the Trip.


Pic 3 shows this combination of route and track on the Basecamp screen. Remember that at this stage the route and the track would be exactly the same shape, - with one of them completely hiding the other.


The idea is that when these two are both set to display on the XT’s screen, if the original magenta route changes, it will be obvious as the yellow track underneath will become visible.


Transfer the Route and Track to the Zumo XT

A warning before you transfer. If the USB connection has been broken since the last time that you transferred anything to the Zumo XT, then those previous transfers will be over-written. So if this matters to you, transfer you want to be available on the Zumo XT


This doesn’t happen if you transfer to the SD card (although this has other issues).


Wait until the Zumo is ready - it sometimes takes a while after connecting for the Zumo to finish talking to Basecamp.


There are a number of ways you can transfer your data, but ‘Drag and Drop’ is probably the quickest. There is no need to select the Waypoints - they are already included in the route. We need just the route and the track.



Make sure that you do not unplug the USB cable until the green progress bar has completed and disappeared, and the tick in the green circle appears next to Internal Storage. If this doesn’t happen, then they haven’t transferred. It sometimes takes a little while, depending what else the computer is doing in the background. It doesn’t happen at all if Basecamp was still transferring other data when you tried to transfer the routes. Wait and try again.


Unplug the USB lead

And restart the Zumo. It has to restart ‘from cold’ - it has files to reorganise and software to load. When it starts plug in the adapter to save the battery.

You may get a message asking you if you want to switch to car mode.   No.

It may ask if you want to establish a USB connection with the computer.   No.

Once the XT Is ready to operate, you can import the routes and tracks. It might be worth seeing what routes are available for import. And perhaps note that some of the routes that you have previously imported are not there any more. See the warning in the purple paragraph above.

The method for showing a track on the screen differs depending on whether or not your XT is set up to link with Garmin Explore - so the next page looks at how to determine whether or not your XT is linked, and then describes the two methods separately.



Note regarding Picture 3

Normally the route and the track would follow the same course, but that is impossible to show as one would hide the other. Instead I have drawn a Direct route in yellow on top of the magenta track, so that both can be seen.

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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.