Quick question about your last paragraph. You say the shaping point names do not get altered by the XT2 when they are transferred from Basecamp.Javelin16 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:28 pm
But what surprised me the most is that I'm quite sure that I tested my test route on the XT2 after sync with the Tread and that the shaping points were modified. After the deletion of the route in explore through Tread and after several sync, the route was still on the XT2 and when I open it, the initial shaping points were restored in the file (or it is another file that opens...). And it remains like that for a while (no more sync that could alter the file, even if the route is not in the explore db in Tread). If I had reimported the route on the XT2 without taking notice, I would expect then from a consistent behaviour of the process that at least it should then be synced with the explore db in Tread and be modified again on the XT2 as before. But it remains with the correct shaping points on the XT2 for several days and it did not reappear in explore...
Of course if the link between the XT2 and Tread is cut, the route imported remains with correct shaping points on the XT2 (By the way, the names of the shaping points on the XT2 remain exactly the same as in Basecamp in that case, not like what jfheath is describing for the XT. So, a good progress if that damned sync with explore in Tread could be avoided with Tread active)
That isn't quite what happens with the XT.
in the XT, any point that has been created as a Waypoint in Basecamp will never have its name changed. A waypoint is a point that has been created using the Basecamp waypoint / flag tool. Waypoints will show up in the lower left pane in Basecamp, along with the route and track. Waypoints will also show up in 'Favourites' or 'Saved' on the XT. Waypoints can then be used in a route as eithe shaping points or via points. Either. But it has to be one or the other. They never (so far) have had their name changed.
Any point that has not first been created as a Waypoint usually has its name changed - regardless of whether it is a via or a shaping point.
The tell tale sign is that often, the changed route point does not show its lat/long values in the trip planner / route planner app. Instead it often displays a town name and a county code ( eg Kendal, CMA).
Waypoints that are made in the Explore App (and I assume also the Tread App), are properly formatted Waypoints - like the Basecamp waypoints created with the flag tool)
I'm wondering whether Garmin have actually fixed this issue on the XT2, or since you had assumed that the issue related only to shaping points, there has been a misunderstanding ? I would be delighted to know that they have actually corrected that issue - I reported it to them over 2 years ago.
Re the synching - is the synching time related, and or ownership related, do you think.
time related. Eg you put data onto the tread app. By the time you get to use it on the XT2, there has been plenty of opportunity for the synch process to say, - oh its not on the XT2, it must have been deleted, and get rid of it.
That would be ridiculous. It has to know where an object was created to avoid this student programming error. I think it will also need to know in which direction each item was synched. I suspect that only when a new item has been updated on both devices will it start to look at synching items that have been deleted from one. I suspect a semaphore system may be used. Items are flagged for deletion or for addition, but nothing actually happens until the same item in the same state appears in both places.
What I am suggesting is that it may take a couple of synchs to make sure that all data is appearing as it should in both places.
But it does mean that if you delete an item from one, it will disappear from the other in one or two synchs.
Maybe this is why they started to use collections. To be effective, you need both places to store everything. If you delete something in one place, it deletes it eventually from the other place. So instead of deleting items, you can make them invisible or irrelevant. Put items into collections and you can focus your selection of points, routes, tracks by accessing just one collection.
I dont need an answer - i was just thinking out loud. I decided a long time ago that Explore has nothing that I want to use.
What I really want to find out is whether the XT2 displays the RUT behaviour.