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Post by jfheath »

Javelin16 wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:21 am Be aware that my analysis is far from having the depth of yours.
My comments are only based on first use trials and of course corresponding findings can be incomplete or wrong in some ways…
I will check if the POIs I transferred in my testing include only existing MRA POI or not.
You are clearly having more success with MRA than me !

Javelin16 wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2024 1:33 pm If I define a POI in MRA, and provided I attach the POI to the route as a POI (using the + symbol in the edit panel of the POI in MRA which leads to two options, one beeing "as POI" ), it is treated as a Garmin Waypoint when the gpx file is imported on the XT2 and it is included in the Waypoints library (exactly in the same manner as the Basecamp Waypoints). I took me some times to realize that the POIs needed to be added to the route explicitely and as described above. Otherwise in effect, there are not part of the saved gpx by MRA.
This backs up what is said in the on-line manual.
The 'manage' tab allows you to add your own POIs to the route. Simply click the 'Add' button and then click on a location on the map. You will then be given the option to name the POI and by clicking accept you have added your own POI to the route.
But it is not what I have observed. MyRouteApp's reply to me was:
You are correct about not being able add a created POI as a waypoint, but adding a route point (waypoint) is only one extra click.
He then points me to the link that says that it is added to the route.

This is what I see.

Adding a POI to the route. Click on the POI, there is the big 'plus' sign to click.

MRA-BuiltInPOI.jpg (58.29 KiB) Viewed 1887 times


Adding my own POI (A59), and doing the same thing - there is no way to add it to the route.
No big plus sign in the pop up menu.

MRA-OwnPOI.jpg (67.99 KiB) Viewed 1887 times

The only thing to do is to put a shaping point on top of the POI - which I think is what he was suggesting.

I checked out your comment about the POI being added to the gpx file - and therefore appearing in Favourites on the XT2. Quite correct. I checked that out a year or so ago, and that didn't seem to happen, so I believe this is relatively new behaviour. But maybe I just didn't spot it - although I know that I was looking for it. But now the added POI is definitly listed in the gpx file as a Waypoint. It is just not included in the route. But thanks for alerting me to that behaviour. That is definitley useful.

I didn't do anything to my created POI except add it to the POI list in 'Manage'. That seemed to cause it to appear in the gpx file when I saved it. The 'Manage' section of POIs seems to be only concerned with the currently selected route - ie if I switch to another route, my A50 POI isn't listed. But it is listed again when I switch back to the route which was loaded when I created the POI.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Post by Javelin16 »

jfheath wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 2:56 pm I didn't do anything to my created POI except add it to the POI list in 'Manage'. That seemed to cause it to appear in the gpx file when I saved it. The 'Manage' section of POIs seems to be only concerned with the currently selected route - ie if I switch to another route, my A50 POI isn't listed. But it is listed again when I switch back to the route which was loaded when I created the POI.
Exact. The POI created with "Manage" is only associated with the route open when creating it.
So, as described in my previous reply, I can see two solution for this:

1. Create what I call "a virtual route", ie open a new route, define all the POIs that are requested, with "manage". If I want all those points available in the "Favorites" library on the zumo, I can save the corresponding gpx file and import that route on the zumo. All corresponding Garmin waypoints are then in the "Waypoints" library (Favorites) on the XT2. Then in MRA, each time I want to create a new route with the disposal of the POIs previously defined, I start from a copy of this virtual route. But, true, the only way found to add one own defined POI as an MRA waypoint on the new route is to put a shaping point on top of, or close to, the POI (or drag an existing waypoint of the route to the POI). I doubt in this case that on the XT2 the waypoint corresponding to the POI will be "announced" when reached.
2. When in the route where the POIs where created, save it as a csv file, go in the library tab of the POI panel , click "add" and in the upload panel select the corresponding csv file. The POIs are then available for all routes in the Library tab of the POI panel. But again selecting one makes it appears on the map of the route you are making, but as you said, the only way found to associate this POI to the route is to put a shaping point on top of the POI.

So, it seems feasible to manage a set of POIs in MRA and to have that set imported in the "Favorites" library ("Waypoints" on the XT2) on the zumo.
But the "big plus" option to add in MRA one of the POI as a waypoint (via or shaping) to the route in order to force the route to pass trough the POI is not available for own defined POI. Only solution found is as you said to put a shaping point on top or in the vicinity of the POI (both also available for the route imported in the XT2). All that only thoughts, practicality for the real use of it still to be evaluated!

What I still have to investigate further is for what usage the possibility to declare in MRA an MRA waypoint (shaping or via) as "Favorite" exists in MRA (clicking on a waypoint,chosing the "..." option and then the star option) . Could that be a mean to help in this problem and how are the MRA "Favorites" shared in MRA and treated on the XT2, I don't know. I need a few days more to investigate on that...

As you can see in the link https://myrouteapp.ac-page.com/roadmap-main-page point 1.9, more to come on POIs in MRA but without knowing precisely what could be the output. Being new to MRA, I have also no idea how fast they react to "community feature" project.
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Post by Javelin16 »

Javelin16 wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:31 pm What I still have to investigate further is for what usage the possibility to declare in MRA an MRA waypoint (shaping or via) as "Favorite" exists in MRA (clicking on a waypoint,chosing the "..." option and then the star option) . Could that be a mean to help in this problem and how are the MRA "Favorites" shared in MRA and treated on the XT2, I don't know. I need a few days more to investigate on that...
No more days needed. I found all the answers on MRA favorites in jfheath Bible, chapter 8 on MRA. By the way, thanks a lot for sharing all your work.
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Post by jfheath »

Javelin16 wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:19 pm I found all the answers on MRA favorites in jfheath Bible, chapter 8 on MRA.
That @jfheath stuff comes in very handy. I keep referring back to it myself, and it often surprises me. My memory is not what it was. Even when it was, it wasn't that good. I got to know things by doing, or by explaining. I could then understand and remember. I could never just sit down and learn stuff.

So I keep dipping into it and coming across things that catch be me by surprise --- I'd forgotten that I knew that.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Post by Javelin16 »

@jfheath: some additional informations about investigations of the incidence of the subclass _text of the RoutePointExtension (gpxx data) on the alteration or not of the name of via or shaping points on the XT2.
As highlighted by jfheath, if the route created in basecamp in based on predefined waypoints, this subclass is effectively a collection of "0" (12), followed by a collection of "F" (24), as shown in the XML content of the corresponding gpx file:
RouteBCWaypointsViaShapingXML.PNG (71.03 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
For this case, name of shaping points and via points unaltered.
Corresponding XML content for the gpx file when using in basecamp the route tool to create the shaping and via points is as follows:
RouteBCRouteToolViaShapingXML.PNG (61.96 KiB) Viewed 1654 times
So as highlighted already before by jfheath, no more "0" and "F" collections for the subclass _text of the RoutePointExtension, either for a via point or for a shaping point.
But on the XT2, after import, the name of the shaping points are altered but the name of the viapoint are NOT altered! So it seems that it is not only related to the content of the _text subclass of the RoutePointExtension (gpxx data).
I try to decode the content of this subclass _text, but without success (conversion of hexa content either to ASCII or to Unicode UTF8 leads to garbage data). Has anyone an idea how to decode this content?
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Post by jfheath »

Thanks @Javelin16 .

Away at present. I'm not familiar with the way the info is displayed -

so I am not sure whether the same distinction is being made that I noted...

ie That route points created first as Waypoints - is created with the BC flag Waypoint tool - ALWAYS keep their given name, whether they are set as Via Points in the route or as Shaping Points.

Other route points ie Via Points or Shaping Points FREQUENTLY have their name altered by the XT. But not always.

To be sure what is happening, you have to check all 4 compinations -
Waypoints set as Vias,
Waypoints set as Shaping,
non-Waypoints set as Vias
non-Waypoints set as Shaping.

In addition, @FrankB has concluded that route points set with the default subclass field do not have their name changed. My tests on this failed - but I suspect a faulty test on my part rather than a disagreement with Frank. I got sidetracked for about a year on the RUT issue.


Interesting observation this weekend. I was demonstrating a reason why on the XT it might be advisable to create key route points as Waypoint - so that their names remained intact.

Every single one of my non-waypoints kept the name that they had been given ! Even though on a previous test, they had changed. Previous test was a couple of months ago, and had been created to show that they changed. I haven't got a clue why that would be the case. I know that I have cleared out my routes tracks and waypoints a few times. Fortunately I had checked through my demos the evening before, and was aware of this anomaly. I have some screen shots and the original test routes in BC - I hope - but I'm wondering if this has been fixed on the sly ?

Edit - 22 Feb 2024 - No it hasn't been fixed - but we have stumbled across a better solution See the post 3 below this one.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
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Post by Javelin16 »

Hi @jfheath. It is exactly that: the first xml content corresponds to waypoints in basecamp converted to viapoint (one shown) and to shaping point (one shown).
For the second xml content, the shown viapoint and shaping point were created by the route tool in BC, without going through waypoints first.
The Xml content shown is just obtained by reading the gpx file (which finally is an xml file) with a XML viewer. The advantage is that everything is well structured and identified (not like the content of notepad). Several viewers are available for free on the web.
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Post by FrankB »

jfheath wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:02 pm In addition, @FrankB has concluded that route points set with the default subclass field do not have their name changed. My tests on this failed - but I suspect a faulty test on my part rather than a disagreement with Frank. I got sidetracked for about a year on the RUT issue.

My observations are from the XT, chances are that is the same for the XT2, But that needs to be verified. I cant, I dont have an XT2

I recently noticed the same thing happening again. Sent you the details via Mail

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Post by jfheath »

Updating this based on information I provided above.

I passed that info about the names NOT changing to @FrankB . Then he observed the same thing happening after he realised that he had OSM maps installed.

That resulted in a pretty amazing discovery.

If you set your maps in Basecamp to an older verison and recalculate your route.
Then you set them back to the maps that you intend to use, and recalculate the route.

Then send your route the the 590, 595 or XT - the route point names do not get altered by the Zumo.

It would be extremely useful to know whether or not that same trick works with the XT2.
Have owned Zumo 550, 660 == Now have Zumo XT2, XT, 595, 590, Headache
Use Basecamp (mainly), MyRouteApp (sometimes), Competent with Tread for XT2, Can use Explore for XT - but it offers nothing that I want !

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Post by lkraus »

jfheath wrote: Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:48 pm If you set your maps in Basecamp to an older verison and recalculate your route.
Then you set them back to the maps that you intend to use, and recalculate the route.

Then send your route the the 590, 595 or XT - the route point names do not get altered by the Zumo.

It would be extremely useful to know whether or not that same trick works with the XT2.
I wonder if this little trick would also keep via points from being moved when converted to shaping points on the XT?
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