For what it is worth.
I had a 590 which I converted to a 595. The 595 displayed lots of the habits that the XT went on to display - but I never noticed them. The 590 didn't.
The 590 in my opinion is the most predictable Zumo that they have ever brought out - in terms of point to point navigation.
I bought the XT. Damaged my 590, and found a cheapish newish 595 to replace it. But by then I had found out how to tame the XT to do what I wanted. Most of which you know about and is well documented on here. I gave my 595 to my brother.
Then I missed having it, so bought another newish cheapish 595 - mainly for reference. Discobered that although you can change a 590 to a 595 by installing the later software, the change to a 590 from a 595 is not so succesful.
Then I found a broken 590 - which had intact the part that was irrepairable on my 590 - the main board. So bought that and repaired my 590.
So I had the 590, 595, XT all fully working - and all came in handy on a course I was delivering for a motorcycle tour company.
I did well to resist buying the XT2, until about 6 weeks ago. Now I know it is a new toy, and I haven't worked out what it does wrong yet. But it behaves much better than the XT. The 590/595 cradle is no longer fitted to the bike. The XT2 cradle is in prime position, the XT cradle sits unused in secondary position.
The XT2 has some new issues. Reports are that it still deomstrates RUT behaviour, but one of the first things I checked was whether the XT2 repsonded to the mImport byte fix. It does. It also responds to the re-saving method - the XT2 has a copy facility to allow a route to be copied and given a different name. That copy has the mImported byte set to '0' - ie a saved route.
My obeservations are that it is much quicker to respond to a deviation from the route - it seems to have some safeguard to stop it from repeatedly finding the closest point which is behind you - But I have yet to test this properly.
It has a different routing algorithm. It doesn't seem to automatically head for the nearest faster road.
My initial feeling is that I like it. It has quirks of course, but nothing so far that I cannot get rounds, and I think it is behaving much better than the XT. The next few weeks will tell when I get some time to plan new test routes.
(The XT has scuppered my favourite test route - It used to recalculate the 'wrong' way, and I would take my preferred way - and that initiated the RUT situation which would wait until is was less than a mile from the next route point before it gave in and calculated ahead. The XT2 calculates the way that I intend to take - and I have no solid test data for that. So I have to start from scratch ....
But I have 4 perfectly good satnavs to choose from. The XT2 is the only one that goes with me at the moment.
It isn't a recommendation. It is probably better than you would read in a magazine, but that sets a pretty low bar !
Just information from me - which may be worth something. Or not.
I keep adding new stuff to that Poll I set up.