Loading routes in Google Maps, to check for road blocks

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Loading routes in Google Maps, to check for road blocks

Post by FrankB »

In the past years I have had my share of road blocks. On average it will happen 3 times a day that a road is completely blocked, and you have to find a detour. My experience is from The Netherlands and Germany, but what I read in this forum, that it is a common problem.

Enabling traffic on the Satnav (like the XT) is not a good option. The information provided is not accurate/up to date. Also there are lots of reports, that the satnav produces weird results when you enable Traffic.

I heard that the traffic information provided in Google Maps is ‘much better’. So I looked for a way to get my routes in Google Maps and check for road blocks. I used this method now for in total about 10 days of driving, around 3000 kms, and only in 1 (ONE) occasion I had a road block that google maps did not report. So not 100 %, but a lot better!

Before you open the detailed pdf with the screenshots, this is the general idea:
Load your route, saved as .KML, in Google Maps. In Google Maps it is called a MAP, not a route or track. It has to be done in a browser in desktop mode. Once you have loaded your map, you can enable traffic, also in the app.
Up to date traffic info. Good maps. Quickly see the route, discuss options with fellow drivers. Search for places near you.

Less usefull:
You can not use Google Maps to navigate this route, nor does it give you automated warnings. You have to move the map manually following the magenta line and look for road blocks yourself!

Please give it a try first, before commenting. Good luck.

Update 23 Oct. 2022: It is possible to upload GPX files in stead of the KML format. But routes have to be converted to tracks first else you will only get straight lines.
Loading routes in Google Maps.pdf
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Re: Loading routes in Google Maps, to check for road blocks

Post by lather »

I just found your road block how to and it is a great tool! I checked a route I have planned for next month and discovered a section of it is closed! Fortunately it says it will be re-opened on May 31. I will check it again before I leave and have an alternate ready in case it does not reopen as schediled. Thanks for posting this!
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