104 What is RUT Behaviour
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If U-turns are allowed:
- The XT will issue very frequent demands to perform a U-turn.
- The XT will use side roads to turn me back - if possible.
- If no side roads are available, it will navigate ahead until there are - then it will turn me back.
The behaviour stops either if I give in to its instructions, or I get close enough to the plotted magenta line for it to continue to navigate ahead. If U turns are allowed - from observations, this is usually when the plotted route is less than a mile ahead.
U-Turn demands do not mean a RUT situation has developed.
The 'Balance Point' is marked by the red disc. It is about this point where it becomes faster to continue in the direction that I am heading than it is to turn back to Askern and follow the original route.
Until I reach this point, any demands for a U-Turn to be expected and are entirely reasonable.
After this point however, the way that I am travelling becomes the faster route.
RUT Behaviour on the Map
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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.