41 XT Behaviour with Trips

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More Test Results on Importing Routes to the XT

Zumo XT Initial Settings

These are the navigation settings that can be stored for each of the three different vehicle types that the Zumo XT recognises - Car was set to Straight Line; MotorCycle was set to Shorter Routes, OffRoad was set to Faster Time. These are deliberately untypical so that if the XT used these settings, it would be very obvious. No avoidances were set.

The Basecamp Route.

I chose two locations one point 100 miles due north of the other in the Pennine Hills in England. The fastest route is very much longer, but makes use of the A1 motorway well over to the East. The shortest route makes use of the slower country roads. There are curvy routes in between. The Basecamp Route column shows the combination of the vehicle and the route that I prepared in Basecamp and sent to the XT.

Zumo Starting Route.

I tested each route separately. Once imported, it is easy to see whether the XT has changed either of the settings - route preferences or vehicle type. As described on the previous page, if it doesn’t recognise the vehicle or the routing preference, it defaults to using Motorcycle and/or Faster Time. This column indicates what the Zumo has switched to having received the route, ‘ Go! ’ has been pressed. Where it has changed, these are highlighted in red.

1 - Zumo XT uses ‘Faster’ if it doesn’t recognise the Route Preference.

2 - Zumo uses ‘M/C’ if it doesn’t recognise the vehicle in the route.

Routing Used on Recalculation

All routes reproduced the original Basecamp route faithfully. However, as soon as I started the route (just before the start point, I Skipped the start point, which forced the Zumo to recalculate the entire route. By comparing this new route with ones that I had the Zumo calculate previously, I could see which routing preferences it was using.

Where these are different from what was specified in the route, I have highlighted them in red.

After ‘Stop’ - Zumo Configuration.

When a route is stopped, the XT keeps the vehicle that was set in the last route - along with the routing preferences that were set for that vehicle. Something to watch out for.

Detailed Explanation of the Top Row - in Yellow.

The Zumo was initially set to be in car mode. Car mode had was set to navigate in straight lines !

A Basecamp route for a motorcycle was used. The route preferences for Motorcycle for this route were set to ‘Curvy’.

On loading the route, the display looked like Pic 2 on the previous page. Motorcycle, Faster Time. So the XT has acknowledged the route is set to M/C, and it is not using the Car mode to which the XT was set before I loaded the route. But it has ignored ‘Curvy’ - the XT doesn’t recognise it as an option - so it uses it’s default setting of Faster Time.

When the route was recalculated, it used the Faster Time setting - not the St Line to which the XT was initially set.

When the route is stopped, the vehicle remains in Motorcycle mode (it doesn’t go back to Car, but it switches back to the routing preferences that were set to motorcycle before the route was loaded. ie Shorter Distance.

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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.