59 Collections - Track Visibility

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How to make the Tracks Visible

Once the XT is linked to the Explore website, the option to make a track ‘show on map’ disappears. But you can make an Explore Collection visible on the map, and you can put tracks, routes, Waypoints, activities into one or more Collections. You then make the entire collection visible - ie set it to show up on the map.


You cannot create a collection on the XT, so it is useful to have created a few empty ones on the Explore website.

To make Collections visible on the map:

You will find this impossible to do unless you have already created some Collections on the Explore Website.
You also need some tracks on your Zumo to put into a collection.

Put Tracks into a Collection to make them visible:


Then - Go Navigate.


The image on the right (Pic 1) shows a preview map of the original route (magenta) with the original track (green). The track is set at its widest, so it is just visible peeping out from under the magenta route. A narrow track cannot be seen at all.

This is how it should be if the route hasn’t altered.


The next image (Pic 2) shows the Zumo screen when riding. For some reason, the route has been recalculated and is taking a right turn up ahead. This time we have a narrower red track that was underneath the magenta route. It becomes visible on the road ahead, and marks the line of the original route on the A58. The new recalculated route is heading to the right across the bridge.


The choice is yours. The red track marks the planned route. The magenta line shows the new route. Both will get you to the next routing point. What is important is that you know that the original route has changed and that the red track is showing you where the route used to be before something caused it to be recalculated.

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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.