81 New Features on the XT

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A ‘heads-up’ on things that might catch you out

My last thorough testing of the items below was carried out on v6.10 of the firmware - about a year after I purchased my Zumo XT.

Some things may have changed since then - we are currently on v6.30. I will update this page as I become aware of changes

Closest Entry Point

Finds the point on the plotted magenta line that is closest to your current position, navigates you to that point and continues navigating the route from there onwards. It does not aim for an existing route point. It really does aim for the closest point on the route.

Watch Out: Make sure that you have at least v2.90 of the software loaded.
Always allow U-Turns in the navigation menu, otherwise it might set off in the wrong direction !
It is difficult to test this as it requires the XT to be facing in the wrong direction when setting off. Since v 6.30 I have not been able to reproduce this behaviour. That may mean that it has been fixed. Just look at the preview map before you set off. It will be obvious if it is wrong.


Allows the next Via Point or Shaping Point to be removed from the Zumo’s Route list. In effect this stops the Zumo from visiting that point - even if it is the one that it is currently trying to take you to. There are two ways that ‘Skip’ can be accessed, and in both cases the Zumo XT displays the name of the point(s).

Watch Out: The Zumo does not use the name from Basecamp unless it was first saved as a Waypoint.
In one option it shows the next Shaping Point AND the next Via Point ahead - but It doesn’t tell you which one of those comes next!
Use Waypoints to keep your name and consider adding a sequence or mileage to the name.
Zumo XT recalculates every section of the route when Skip is pressed - not just the current section.

Transfer Routes from Basecamp to Internal Memory

In order to use routes from Basecamp, they first have to be transferred using the a USB cable. They then have to be imported to be available for navigation. This is handy - if the imported version get corrupted, the transferred version can be imported again - without the need to reconnect. It is like having a backup copy.

Watch Out: When starting a new USB connection, the Zumo XT creates a brand new temp.gpx file for storing the transferred routes. That means routes that had been previously transferred are deleted. If they had been imported already, they will be available in the Zumo XTs memory, but the transferred ‘backup’ version will not be available for import. Tip: Transfer all of the routes that you want to appear in your Zumo, even if they have already been transferred in a previous USB session.

Editing Routes on the XT screen.

Like all other Zumos, it is possible to edit the loaded route using the XT screen, using the route list. Route points can be re-ordered, added or deleted. You can change Via Points to Shaping Points and vice versa.

Watch Out: The Zumo XT has what I consider to be a serious glitch (which was also present on my Zumo 595). If you change a Via Point to a Shaping Point, the Zumo will often rename the Point and move it to a different location. In my tests, I placed my original Via Point on a back road between two adjacent route points to force the route away from a faster main road. When I changed it to a Shaping Point on the XT screen, the XT relocated it on the Faster Route, so that the the route ignored the back road. This does not happen if changing a Shaping Point to a Via Point. The fault has been lodged with Garmin Support and acknowledged.

Changed Names

When you create route points in Basecamp, I expected that the Zumo would keep the name that I allocated. The XT doesn’t - not all of the time. It sometimes changes the name to something that it has obtained from another source - presumably using the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.

However, it never seems to change the name if the point has first been created as a Waypoint.

Ordering Routes

The XT seems to display routes in a random order - unlike the 595 which has a well ordered structure based on date and where the routes are stored. The XT no longer has the facility to schedule a Trip by date - only by time.
However, in Basecamp if you set a date and a time for just the start point of each route, the XT seems to use that information to sort the Trips into a sensible order.

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The information on these pages has been acquired from personal experience of using and testing the behaviour of Basecamp and my Zumo XT. I have no links with Garmin, and these pages should not be regarded as instructions. They are presented for interest only. The contents of these pages must not be shared, copied, transmitted, redistributed or re-published in any form without my permission. (C) JHeath 2021.