Ok.. Here is what I did.
First, let me tell you the setup. I run the latest version of Windows 7 under a software emulation program VmWare. This is run on a MacBook Air.
I do this to allow me to use the Microsoft product Streets and Trips.
I launched Windows 7. I then launched Garmin Express Version and Mapsource Version 6.16.3. I then connected my Garmin Zumo 660 to the computer and allowed it to connect to the Windows 7 program.
Once the device was connected and recognized by the program, I then went to the Garmin Express program and asked it to down load the maps to the computer. I took a screen shot of the activity. It is interesting in that it appears that it will take over 7 hours to load the maps. In actuality it took about five to ten minutes.
What I believed happened was something I thought would happen when I connected the GPS to the computer and opened Mapsource, and that is the Mapsource program had to "authentic" the maps based on the devices authority to own the maps. This was accomplished by Garmin Express it appears.
In other words, yes the maps were installed on my computer but not "authorized" to be used by Mapsouce. Once authorized, the maps were copied to the appropriate folder associated with Mapsource and Mapsource accesses them there.